Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Whole Trailer Water Filtration and Pressure Regulation

Once the trailer electrical system was protected from electrical vaults it was time to consider how to assure the quality of the trailer water supply. When it comes to filtration there are basically two approaches: 1) filter all water coming into the trailer; or 2) filter water at specific points of use.  We have chosen, of course, to do both. This post describes the external two-stage filter system that will filter all water coming into the trailer from the water hook up.

We have purchased an additional in-line filter system to install under the kitchen sink. This will further filter water used for cooking, and most importantly brewing coffee.  This may be a project taken on while we are in Canada since we are running out of days before we depart.

Another important consideration is controlling the water pressure that the trailer plumbing system is subjected to.  Even residential plumbing can be damaged by too much water pressure.  RV systems are not that rugged so pressure levels need to be limited to around 60 psi or even less.  Read on to see more details about the regulator and two-stage filter.

The RV Filter Store sells Watts pressure regulators upgraded with stainless steel hardware.  This type of regulator enables pressure adjustment and the gauge clearly displays the pressure entering the filters which are connected to the trailer.
Watts Pressure Regulator
The first stage of the filter system is a Purtrex PX01 1 micron sediment filter.  The second stage is a .5 micron Pentek CFBC-10 carbon block filter. The regulator and filters are mounted in a portable stand made from PVC pipe and fittings. The stand with filters can be tucked under the trailer and connected to the water inlet using a 10' water hose.  No PVC cement was used when assembling the stand so it can be broken down for storage if needed.

Regulator and Two-Stage Water Filter Setup 
It seemed like a good idea to include a shut off valve between the filters and the trailer.

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